About the BookTell us about the book -- Title, Description, Genre, etc.
Book TitleStruwwelpeter
Book SubtitlePresented in both English and German (Multilingual Edition)
Book Description

This public domain "children's" book was written by German physician Heinrich Hoffmann. Originally published in 1845, it was (re)introduced to the American public in 2006 by a well-known paper salesman and beet farmer. Dr. Hoffmann offers ten well-intentioned parables that warn children of the consequences and dangers of insolence and distasteful behavior -- you might call it the 19th-century version of "scared straight."

Struwwelpeter may have been deemed appropriate for children in mid-1800's Germany, but it is definitely not acceptable in today's overly sensitive political climate. The book is genuinely offensive on myriad levels - racial stereotypes, comic book violence, gruesome depictions, and much more! If you are easily offended, lack a sense of humor, or are unable to comprehend that civilization has [mostly] progressed since this book was written, you have been warned! Purchase this book at your own peril and check your "wokeness" at the door.

13-Digit ISBN978-1-955180-03-0
Date of Publication09/01/2021
Retail Price$32.99
  • Children's
  • Classics
  • Humor and Comedy
KeywordsFrightening, Politically incorrect
Age Range
  • Picture Books (ages 3-8)
  • Early Readers (ages 5-7)
Page Count62
Language(s)English, German
Book Dimensions8.5 x 0.31 x 11 inches
Author(s), Illustrator, and PublisherTell us about the people responsible for the book. Only Author and Publisher information is required.
AuthorHeinrich Hoffmann
About the Author

Heinrich Hoffmann (June 13, 1809 – September 20, 1894) was a German psychiatrist, who also wrote some short works including Der Struwwelpeter, an illustrated book portraying children misbehaving.

Author Head Shot
PublisherMedia Hatchery
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